Teacher improving student performance and completing self care

Hi, Iā€™m Kaja and I know exactly how exhausted and overwhelmed you feel!

When we are teaching we don’t always have the bandwidth or time to engage in the latest cognitive and Science of Reading research. My aim is to synthesise the most useful academic research into actionable steps that once implemented can hopefully reduce some of your stress and burnout in the long term šŸ™‚ I share actionable tips to improve student academic performance that also reduce your workload. My strategies will especially help students who need extra support or have an English as a Second Language (or English as an Additional Language) background.

I want to help you make teaching sustainable and enjoyable while experiencing learning success for your students.

My story

I gave up being a lawyer to go “make a difference” with struggling kids in disadvantaged schools. Ergh, I cringe now at how naive I was when I use to think that a lot of passion and hard work was all it would take to support my students.

I remember feeling like I had been hit by a tsunami with all the things I was suppose to be doing. Teaching 21st century skills, and focusing on wellbeing, and building creativity, and don’t forget tech and building relationships!

I struggled to maintain a calm classroom that was conducive to learning and I slowly realised that all the creative exercises in the world were not going to help my kids that just couldn’t read and didn’t know “things”.

One of the biggest barriers and issues for me as a teacher was burnout. I was exhausted. After my day at school, I had nothing left in the tank. Eventually, I realised that my teaching practice directly impacted my mental and physical health and my life outside the classroom. So I found a better way which I hope can help save you from feeling burnt out and stressed all the time.

Why listen to me?

I have a Masters in Education from Deakin University in Melbourne Victoria where I specialised in teaching English as an Additional Language.

I’m also a learning nerd, it’s true! I love professional development, courses, lectures, training, all of it! I became obsessed with finding what would work in the classroom and how to support my beautiful students who were struggling.

I am a trained phonics instructor, I completed the ‘Advancing Thinking through Writing’ course through the Writing Revolution, I’ve read countless teaching books and I have had the opportunity to put this all into practice in my various leadership roles at schools. I have started intervention programs and I’ve played an integral role in leading curriculum and assessment changes for our students. Let me help you achieve more balance in your life!

Relaxed cat
I want you to be doing more of whatever this cat is doing!

Yours in exhausted solidarity,
