TheExhaustedTeacher is specifically designed for you. Here is why.

Are you a stressed, overworked and overwhelmed teacher? I am here to help. I understand you, I was a stressed, tired teacher who loved my job but felt like it was not sustainable. Additionally, I consistently heard from teachers that they didn’t know how to support students that were struggling, I wanted to help all these teachers, but I was just one person. Professional training is prohibitively expensive and needs to be paid for by your school, and even when it is, there is never enough time to implement the learnings to make a difference in your classroom.

I will help you work less and reduce your stress. My strategies will free up your mental load so that you can focus on doing the things in your classroom that you love; like relationship building. I will give you the classroom building blocks so that you can then build the house of your dreams.

After hearing the same struggles from so many teachers, I decided to create accessible resources that can improve teacher’s lives quickly but at the same time are cost friendly so there is no need to rely on your school approving the training. I want to transform teacher’s lives in the long term, not just provide a lesson or unit plan which means you will need to find another one when the lesson or unit is over.

I will provide you with a framework for how to structure your teaching. It is professional development but with clear actionable steps that can be implemented relatively quickly. You will understand the pedagogical theories and science of learning, but then I will show you how to implement this in straightforward ways that will change your approach to teaching.

The resources you find at The Exhausted Teacher are specifically designed for you if:

  1. You are passionate about making a difference for your students but things don’t seem to be exactly working.
  2. You are exhausted and are beginning to think teaching is not a sustainable profession for you long term. You love your kids and work but you think you might have to find other work so that you don’t completely burn out!
  3. You have students who need additional support and differentiation but you don’t know where to begin helping them.
  4. You feel like you are always working and always stressed. The work is never-ending!
  5. You don’t feel confident in the classroom.
  6. You feel unmotivated by your work.
  7. You have learners with great literacy needs and have no idea how to support them.
  8. You feel like you are a resource finder rather than a professional who is skilled at the art of teaching.
  9. You have a lot of EAL / ESL students in your class who need lots of support.
  10. Your students are disengaged.
  11. Your days and classes feel chaotic.
  12. Your lessons feel boring.
  13. You have issues with student behaviour in your class and want to address it in ways that will result in better relationships and a positive classroom environment.

If you are a stressed, tired teacher who loves your job but want it to be more sustainable, then this blog is for you. Here you can get step by step plans to improve your teaching practices that will reduce your workload, make you more confident in the classroom, create a calmer learning environment and best of all – improve your student’s results! Once you have mastered one set of skills, you can move on to the next and constantly add to your teaching repertoire and customise it to suit your style and personality. Here begins your journey to a better life as a teacher.

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